Building Paytm (3/3)
In this final lecture on the PayTm Wallet Project, Harkirat encourages everyone to actively participate by either following the provided project outlines or coding along with him. In this part he guides us through the remaining components: How to do transfers, transactions, and locking in databases using Prisma and Raw Queries
By the end, you should have a comprehensive understanding of building a full-stack digital wallet application.
The stack for this project includes Next.js for the frontend and backend (or a separate backend), Express for auxiliary backends, Turborepo for managing the monorepo, a PostgreSQL database, Prisma as the ORM, and Tailwind for styling.
While there are
no specific notes
provided for this section, a mini guide is outlined below to assist you in navigating through the process of building the application. Therefore, it is stronglyadvised to actively follow along
during the lecture for a hands-on learning experience.
Get comfortable with the repo
Our starter repo is this - (opens in a new tab)
The repo has 3 issues, we’ll be trying to fix them all today - (opens in a new tab)
Let’s setup the repo locally before we proceed
- Clone the repo
git clone
- npm install
- Run postgres either locally or on the cloud (
docker run -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d -p 5432:5432 postgres
- Copy over all .env.example files to .env
- Update .env files everywhere with the right db url
- Go to
- npx prisma migrate dev
- npx prisma db seed
- Go to
, runnpm run dev
- Try logging in using phone - 1111111111 , password - alice (See
Understanding the example.env file
Open source projects often include an example.env
file to provide a template for setting up required environment variables. This file lists the variables needed by the project, along with placeholders or examples for their values. Users can copy this file as .env
and fill in the actual values, including sensitive information like API keys or database passwords. The example.env
file serves as documentation and prevents accidental exposure of secrets in version control.
When contributing to or using an open source project that includes an example.env
file, the typical workflow is:
- Copy the
file and rename it to.env
(or the appropriate name for the project). - Modify the values in the copied
file to match your local environment or deployment settings, including any sensitive information (e.g., API keys, database passwords) that should not be shared publicly. - Make sure the
file is included in the project's.gitignore
file (or equivalent) to prevent it from being committed to version control. - Use the project's documentation or instructions to load the environment variables from the
file during development or deployment.
By following this approach, contributors and users can easily set up the required environment variables for the open source project without exposing sensitive information or modifying the project's source code directly.
Finish onramps
Right now, we’re able to see the onramp
transactions that have been seeded
We don’t see any new ones though
Clicking on this button should initiate a new entry in the onRampTransactions
table, that is eventually fulfilled by the bank-webhook
Let’s implement this feature via a server action
- Create a new action in
"use server";
import prisma from "@repo/db/client";
import { getServerSession } from "next-auth";
import { authOptions } from "../auth";
export async function createOnRampTransaction(provider: string, amount: number) {
// Ideally the token should come from the banking provider (hdfc/axis)
const session = await getServerSession(authOptions);
if (!session?.user || !session.user?.id) {
return {
message: "Unauthenticated request"
const token = (Math.random() * 1000).toString();
await prisma.onRampTransaction.create({
data: {
status: "Processing",
startTime: new Date(),
token: token,
userId: Number(session?.user?.id),
amount: amount * 100
return {
message: "Done"
- Call the action when the button is pressed (
"use client"
import { Button } from "@repo/ui/button";
import { Card } from "@repo/ui/card";
import { Select } from "@repo/ui/select";
import { useState } from "react";
import { TextInput } from "@repo/ui/textinput";
import { createOnRampTransaction } from "../app/lib/actions/createOnrampTransaction";
name: "HDFC Bank",
redirectUrl: ""
}, {
name: "Axis Bank",
redirectUrl: ""
export const AddMoney = () => {
const [redirectUrl, setRedirectUrl] = useState(SUPPORTED_BANKS[0]?.redirectUrl);
const [provider, setProvider] = useState(SUPPORTED_BANKS[0]?.name || "");
const [value, setValue] = useState(0)
return <Card title="Add Money">
<div className="w-full">
<TextInput label={"Amount"} placeholder={"Amount"} onChange={(val) => {
}} />
<div className="py-4 text-left">
<Select onSelect={(value) => {
setRedirectUrl(SUPPORTED_BANKS.find(x => === value)?.redirectUrl || "");
setProvider(SUPPORTED_BANKS.find(x => === value)?.name || "");
}} options={ => ({
}))} />
<div className="flex justify-center pt-4">
<Button onClick={async () => {
await createOnRampTransaction(provider, value)
window.location.href = redirectUrl || "";
Add Money
Notice more balances getting added , but the balance will remain the same. This is because the bank hasn’t yet approved the txn
Simulating the bank webhook
- cd
- npm run dev (If it fails, try installing esbuild)
- In another terminal, get the
for one of the onRamp transactions by runningnpx prisma studio
- Simulate a hdfcBank transaction POST http://localhost:3003/hdfcWebhook (opens in a new tab)
"token": "970.4572088875194",
"user_identifier": 1,
"amount": "210"
Do you really need the amount/user id to come from the hdfc bank server? Or is the token enough?
Add transfers
Once money has been onramped
, users should be allowed to transfer money to various wallets
Let’s create a P2P transfer
- Got to
<SidebarItem href={"/p2p"} icon={<P2PTransferIcon />} title="P2P Transfer" />
function P2PTransferIcon() {
return <svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor" className="w-6 h-6">
<path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="m4.5 19.5 15-15m0 0H8.25m11.25 0v11.25" />
- Create a handler for /p2p page by creating
export default function() {
return <div>
- Add a
component that let’s you put the number of a user and amount to send
"use client"
import { Button } from "@repo/ui/button";
import { Card } from "@repo/ui/card";
import { Center } from "@repo/ui/center";
import { TextInput } from "@repo/ui/textinput";
import { useState } from "react";
export function SendCard() {
const [number, setNumber] = useState("");
const [amount, setAmount] = useState("");
return <div className="h-[90vh]">
<Card title="Send">
<div className="min-w-72 pt-2">
<TextInput placeholder={"Number"} label="Number" onChange={(value) => {
}} />
<TextInput placeholder={"Amount"} label="Amount" onChange={(value) => {
}} />
<div className="pt-4 flex justify-center">
<Button onClick={() => {
import { SendCard } from "../../../components/SendCard";
export default function() {
return <div className="w-full">
<SendCard />
- Create a new action in
"use server"
import { getServerSession } from "next-auth";
import { authOptions } from "../auth";
import prisma from "@repo/db/client";
export async function p2pTransfer(to: string, amount: number) {
const session = await getServerSession(authOptions);
const from = session?.user?.id;
if (!from) {
return {
message: "Error while sending"
const toUser = await prisma.user.findFirst({
where: {
number: to
if (!toUser) {
return {
message: "User not found"
await prisma.$transaction(async (tx) => {
const fromBalance = await tx.balance.findUnique({
where: { userId: Number(from) },
if (!fromBalance || fromBalance.amount < amount) {
throw new Error('Insufficient funds');
await tx.balance.update({
where: { userId: Number(from) },
data: { amount: { decrement: amount } },
await tx.balance.update({
where: { userId: },
data: { amount: { increment: amount } },
- Update SendCard to call this action
"use client"
import { Button } from "@repo/ui/button";
import { Card } from "@repo/ui/card";
import { Center } from "@repo/ui/center";
import { TextInput } from "@repo/ui/textinput";
import { useState } from "react";
import { p2pTransfer } from "../app/lib/actions/p2pTransfer";
export function SendCard() {
const [number, setNumber] = useState("");
const [amount, setAmount] = useState("");
return <div className="h-[90vh]">
<Card title="Send">
<div className="min-w-72 pt-2">
<TextInput placeholder={"Number"} label="Number" onChange={(value) => {
}} />
<TextInput placeholder={"Amount"} label="Amount" onChange={(value) => {
}} />
<div className="pt-4 flex justify-center">
<Button onClick={async () => {
await p2pTransfer(number, Number(amount) * 100)
Try sending money a few times and see if it works. You can inspect the DB by using npx prisma studio
in packages/db
Problem with this approch.
Try simulating two request together by adding a 4s sleep timeout in the transaction
"use server"
import { getServerSession } from "next-auth";
import { authOptions } from "../auth";
import prisma from "@repo/db/client";
export async function p2pTransfer(to: string, amount: number) {
const session = await getServerSession(authOptions);
const from = session?.user?.id;
if (!from) {
return {
message: "Error while sending"
const toUser = await prisma.user.findFirst({
where: {
number: to
if (!toUser) {
return {
message: "User not found"
await prisma.$transaction(async (tx) => {
const fromBalance = await tx.balance.findUnique({
where: { userId: Number(from) },
if (!fromBalance || fromBalance.amount < amount) {
throw new Error('Insufficient funds');
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 4000));
await tx.balance.update({
where: { userId: Number(from) },
data: { amount: { decrement: amount } },
await tx.balance.update({
where: { userId: },
data: { amount: { increment: amount } },
Send two requests in two tabs and see if you are able to receive negative balances?
Locking of rows
In postgres, a transaction ensure that either all the statements happen or none. It does not lock
rows/ revert
a transaction if something from this transaction got updated before the transaction committed (unlike MongoDB)
So we need to explicitly lock the balance
row for the sending
user so that only one transaction can access it at at time, and the other one waits until the first transaction has committed
Hint 1 - (opens in a new tab)
"use server"
import { getServerSession } from "next-auth";
import { authOptions } from "../auth";
import prisma from "@repo/db/client";
export async function p2pTransfer(to: string, amount: number) {
const session = await getServerSession(authOptions);
const from = session?.user?.id;
if (!from) {
return {
message: "Error while sending"
const toUser = await prisma.user.findFirst({
where: {
number: to
if (!toUser) {
return {
message: "User not found"
await prisma.$transaction(async (tx) => {
await tx.$queryRaw`SELECT * FROM "Balance" WHERE "userId" = ${Number(from)} FOR UPDATE`;
const fromBalance = await tx.balance.findUnique({
where: { userId: Number(from) },
if (!fromBalance || fromBalance.amount < amount) {
throw new Error('Insufficient funds');
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 4000));
await tx.balance.update({
where: { userId: Number(from) },
data: { amount: { decrement: amount } },
await tx.balance.update({
where: { userId: },
data: { amount: { increment: amount } },
Add P2P transactions table
Update schema.prisma
model User {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
email String? @unique
name String?
number String @unique
password String
OnRampTransaction OnRampTransaction[]
Balance Balance[]
sentTransfers p2pTransfer[] @relation(name: "FromUserRelation")
receivedTransfers p2pTransfer[] @relation(name: "ToUserRelation")
model p2pTransfer {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
amount Int
timestamp DateTime
fromUserId Int
fromUser User @relation(name: "FromUserRelation", fields: [fromUserId], references: [id])
toUserId Int
toUser User @relation(name: "ToUserRelation", fields: [toUserId], references: [id])
- Run
npx prisma migrate dev --name added_p2p_txn
- Regenerate client
npx prisma generate
- Do a global build (npm run build) (it’s fine if it fails
- Add entries to
whenever a transfer happens
Assignment: Add frontend for the p2p transactions
Can you add code that let’s you see the users existing transactions?
Final code - (opens in a new tab)